The entertainment industry in Nigeria is now full of individuals who wants to make it big doing music in Nigeria. Songs are released upon songs and hits made upon hits, collaborations upon another. However, there can be no alot of doubt that only few will make it big venturing into music among them. This few artiste are what Nigerians want to follow, their songs is what they want to listen to and would love to follow. Its crystal clear that Nigerians support a artiste over another due to how well they understand and build relationships together. Let’s not talk much about why some Nigerian artiste won’t make it but rather talk more about Nigerian artistes to watch for in 2019. This list was compiled according to the hits each artiste have made right from the beginning of the year, January. I call them the latest trend buck buster in Nigeria. Every year, music critics and analyst compile lists of rookie artistes who should be on our radar. These predictions have over the years ser...